
We provide a natural and holistic service for women’s health, with a passionate focus upon fertility, pregnancy, childbirth support and postnatal care. We also provide general healthcare for women, men and children.

Our treatments are integrative and individualised, using a combination of modalities including acupuncture, remedial massage, cupping, Chinese herbs (patent formulas), western supplements, nutrition, Chinese dietetics, esoteric acupuncture, reiki, meditation, visualisation and energy techniques to treat the whole person.

In classical Chinese medicine we understand that a persons blueprint for their destiny is imprinted into their Chong Mai channel at conception, each of us imbued with a divine destiny or heavenly mandate to fulfill during our lifetime. What isn’t embedded in our blueprint is how we fulfill our destiny and the beliefs we choose that determine the quality of our life.

The focus of our treatments is always getting to the very root underlying cause of imbalance and awakening your awareness of your divine blueprint, so that you may live in alignment with your hearts path and experience a life of contentment.

We are based in both Warragul and Pakenham Upper and provide our services to families in the surrounding areas of Drouin, Moe, Neerim, Pakenham, Officer, Gembrook, Emerald, Cockatoo and the Dandenong Ranges.

“If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself.

If you want to eliminate suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself.

Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.”


– Lao Tzu



The gentle placement of tiny needles into specific points on your bodies meridians (energy channels) to regulate Qi (life force), which enables your bodies own healing pathways to establish physical, mental and emotional balance. We use a combination of acupuncture, bodywork, moxibustion, cupping, gua sha and energy healing techniques to help facilitates your bodies innate healing potential.


Chinese Herbal Medicine is one of the oldest forms of medicine in the world. We prescribe patent herbal formulas made from ‘A’ grade herbs sourced from prime growing regions in china. Along with the highest quality practitioner only supplements to enhance and potentiate the results from your acupuncture treatments.


Massage is powerful at relieving pain, we use a combination of massage techniques to get Qi moving and relieve physical, mental and emotional tension which is held in the muscles and causes tension and pain. We can also facilitate myofacial release, deactivate trigger points “knots” in the muscles and improve range of motion and soft tissue injury healing.


This gentle healing art originated in Japan. Reiki healers connect to universal life force energy (Qi) and intuitively place their gently on different areas of their patients body to help balance their subtle system and remove energetic blocks at a core level that are creating physical, mental and emotional disharmony. It is incredibly powerful, especially in combination with acupuncture.


This is an ancient healing technique that involves using specialised cups to create suction and thus a partial vacuum on the patients skin. The benefits include stimulating the flow of blood and lymph which can reduce pain, clear inflammation and swelling, detoxify the skin and stimulate the immune system. Cupping is also great at helping heal respiratory conditions by breaking up sticky phlegm.

Moxibustion is the burning of the herb Mugwort over specific channels and acupuncture points, which warms the channel, clears cold and damp which reduces pain, especially in menstrual disorders.


‘Let food be thy medicine’ nutrition is essential to optimal health. We can make it simple for you to know which foods are going to most support your healing and nourish your body for years to come. Using principles of Chinese dietetics we dive deeply into the energetic qualities of specific foods to support your everyday wellness and prevent dis-ease.


Acupuncture points are needled in a specific pattern and combination in order to unlock encodings of information stored within our bodies, muscles and cells soma (memory). Often a combination of points will be needled creating three dimensional scared geometric patterns throughout the subtle system. This style of acupuncture is designed for spiritual development and works amazingly in combination with regular meditation and energy healing.


Meditation is an essential practice and skill that can be strengthened and cultivated with devotion and practice. It enables us to become the witness of our thoughts and not be carried away by them. Instead, in time we find spaces of peace, quite and contentment within, this is our truest self and state of being, this is where we access our inner blueprint and soul purpose in life.